My Thoughts on Jordon Walker, Pfizer Exec, and Project Veritas Video

2 years ago

At some point in the recent past, Jordon Trishton Walker, Director for R&D, Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning at Pfizer, is caught on a hidden camera discussing how Pfizer is exploring how to mutate the COVID virus in order to develop new vaccines.

This is the old Gain-of-Function argument, which we never get to have. Pfizer, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and others in the scientific community want to do all sorts of research on virus, including mutating and enhancing them so they can pre-emptively prepare vaccination cures.

I, and many others, do not want the scientific community monkeying around with these viruses. I think it is very likely COVID escaped (unintentionally or intentionally) from a laboratory, and would have never mutated to its current form naturally.

What's infuriating about these videos is 1) that Pfizer is doing this kind of research, and 2) we can't discuss it because Google and the rest of government media is censoring the discussion. Go ahead - try to find information about these Project Veritas videos via Google. Good luck. That's how you know Pfizer IS doing this research, and desperately wants you to shut up and go away.

First Project Veritas video:

Second Project Veritas video:

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