
2 years ago

made this for the public access channel
I haven't rewatched it, I think it's some of what was uploaded on this channel already with other videos thrown in.
Some of the people I still respected on Terra EARTH were still alive then and that was really cool and helpful and nice.
Now I'm a grumpy as hell feral troubador in a way. There's nowhere else to go really and people are different now. Like they're programmed different or something. It's surreal and agitating.
and I'm 'Bohemian" so the conservative reactionaries can't take it, and not a mindslave radical so the self-hating left can't stand it either.
There was a freer place for those just curious for information, truth and discovery that kind of got aten away and etched out and ultimately censored if you don't fit CULT A or CULT B.
I learned a lot by watching it all change and come to be what it is now. I don't think its sustainable at all! For people to be that way!
Alas I'm a free spirit for better or worse. Not out to harm yet very much for sure not out to 'please anybody' on false manner.
I feel like I'm supposed to grow boring or something. No I can't handle that at all. I still think Lovecraft and Twain and Welles and Tesla and the Marx Bros and Serling and all those people are inspirational souls. hipsters and smart phones and mind control maximized kinda took everything and made it into one big damned blob of controversy, and I just like nature really and that 'bohemnian spirituality' and also pressing my luckm as it goes, really.
I'm sure that may have something to do with what this video is, but felt like writing really just because.
I like hanging out with cows and mink and horses. There you go.

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