Have you ever seen a DEMON? / Is he POSSESSED?

2 years ago

“Have you ever seen a demon? What do you think of the Christian’s that say, 'oh this specific person has a demon because of x y or z.'”

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(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#demon #possession #bibleline #demonpossessed #demonic #devils #holyspirit #pastorjessemartinez

foreign that people don't see demons I
personally think the use of LSD DMT
things like that open up things that
we're not supposed to see
hey welcome back to Bible line I'm your
host Pastor Jesse Martinez today we're
going to be talking about demons and
we're not getting into a completely
exhaustive discussion on demons but
somebody sent in a question and it's
kind of advice related so I figured it
would be a good video to talk about
let's take a look
all right so the person who writes in
says have you ever seen a demon what do
you think of the Christians that say oh
this specific person has a demon because
of X Y or Z so it's a pretty generic
question and I'll answer it to the best
of my ability personally I have not seen
a demon but I do know based off the
that they do exist okay one of my
favorite there well really I'm going to
give you two of my favorite
demonic accounts uh the first one is the
gadarian man in Mark chapter five and
you can find that in Mark chapter 5
verses 1 through 20 but as a summary
there is a man who was incessantly uh in
torment he was hurting himself he could
not be bound by what people were trying
to bind him with and he weaved and he
wailed and and you you just think of the
most horrendous thing a person can go
through outside of you know separation
from God in hell this guy was going
through it and Jesus comes to Galleria
and he gets off the boat and as soon as
he gets off the boat this man who's
possessed runs to him and submits
himself to him
and he's and and these demons which
identify themselves as Legion
you never see them
but there are many
and they say to they say to Jesus is
this our time is why is it are we early
are you early so to speak what have we
to do with you
and a long story short the demons are
cast out into swine the swine are run
off of a mountain and they drown
violently in the sea you never see them
there wasn't like this thing that people
saw but we know those demons are there
and the other one here is in Acts
chapter 19 in verses 13 through 17. this
one I do think is beneficial to read
let's take a look at it here then
certain of the Vagabond Jews exorcists
took upon them to call over them which
had evil spirits the name of the Lord
Jesus saying We Adore You by Jesus whom
Paul preacheth
verse 14 and there were seven sons of
skiva a Jew and a chief of the priests
which did so so they did this thing
where they were their exorcists they're
doing Power by the devil
and they're using the lord's name to
cast out demons okay we know what Jesus
said about that Beelzebub does not cast
out Beelzebub and these demons they make
a statement here in verse 15 and the
evil spirit answered these sons of skiva
and said Jesus I know and Paul I know
but who are you
and the man in whom the evil spirit was
leaped on them overcame them prevailed
against them so that they fled out of
the house naked and wounded and this
this event was known to all the Jews and
Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus and fear
fell on them all and the name of the
Lord Jesus was magnified so still we
don't see the demon here but we see the
result of the demon possession doesn't
mean that people don't see demons I
personally think the use of LSD DMT
things like that open up things that
we're not supposed to see we know the
servant of Elisha was uh overcome by the
revelation of the Angelic Army around
him we we know all these things are
possible I don't think it's for man to
see but we can definitely see the
results of it so no I've never seen a
demon but what do we say about people
you know it's kind of like church talk
oh this person has a demon because they
did this or they said that well what do
we say about that statement well I think
we can find something in the scripture
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even a video just like this one let's
get back to our answer
okay so when people say oh this specific
person has a demon because of X Y and Z
we need to quantify that so we I I'm
going to show you here based on
Ephesians 1 13 and First Corinthians 6
19-20 how a Believer cannot be possessed
by an evil spirit okay they're bought
and paid for by the blood of Christ and
they are sealed into the day of
redemption First Corinthians 6 19-20
let's go there first what know you not
that your body is the Temple of the Holy
Ghost which is in you which ye have of
God and you are not your own I mean
that's pretty clear
for ye are bought with the price
therefore glorify God in your body and
in your spirit which are Gods okay
Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 13 tells
us in whom you also trusted after that
you heard the word of Truth The Gospel
of your salvation in whom also after
that you believed you were sealed with
that Holy Spirit of Promise what's the
formula here you heard the gospel you
believed on the gospel you were sealed
with the holy spirit so First
Corinthians 6 19-20 tells us that we are
bought with a price we're no longer our
own Ephesians 1 13 says that we are
sealed okay so there's no way that we
can be like The Gather dream uh gadarian
man there's no way that a Believer can
be possessed
as uh the people in the Old Testament
were possessed okay so we see that now
what about the unbeliever well the
unbeliever is is an open vessel that's
why what I was saying about drugs before
open up the eyes to things that we
should not be seeing so how can a
Believer you know teach demonic things
if they can't be possessed can they be
oppressed absolutely and this is where
we're going to close the video here but
in first Timothy chapter 4 we have a
pretty interesting statement here when I
see people say oh that specific person
has a demon because of X Y and Z I think
it's just a catch-all for their teaching
demonic things
maybe they do think that somebody has a
demon but we can see here if you've
touched if you put your trust in Jesus
you are not possessed by a demon you're
possessed by the Holy Spirit
but first Timothy 4 1-3 says this now
the spirit speaketh expressly that in
the latter times some shall depart from
the faith giving heed that means
yielding ground
two seducing spirits and doctrines of
devils okay so this these demonic forces
these these demonic spirits is Ephesians
6 tells the spiritual wickedness in high
places they have teachings
doctrines of devils verse 2 speaking
lies in hypocrisy having their
conscience seared with a hot iron
forbidding to marry and committing to
abstain from Meats which God hath
created to be received with Thanksgiving
to them which believe and know the truth
okay so it's Quantified here there's
doctrines of devils can a Believer teach
a doctrine of the devil yes absolutely I
think a believer that falls away from
their understanding of eternal life and
begins to teach a lordship Salvation
message or maybe a calvinistic message
that's a pretty dangerous thing and
those are not things that are they're
teachings from God so I think that kind
of answers the question but with
questions like this I do want to say
we need to piece things together okay if
we can see where logically a principle
is taught in the Bible and we can apply
that to our situation that's not an
unwise thing to do
every single Bible verse has one
interpretation in John 3 16 Jesus spoke
to Nicodemus okay there's many
applications of that it applies to the
world John 3 16 is for Anyone who puts
their faith in Jesus Christ the
invitation is there so we have to be
careful that we're not violating certain
Bible hermeneutics and that's another
series for another day that actually
might be a good series to do
but when it comes to things like this we
can see what the scripture says and then
apply it to the way that we see the
world around us I hope that makes sense
to you rightly divide the word of truth
that's what this channel is all about
trying to give you good
answers to your Bible questions don't
forget to send your Bible questions
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just like this one today
all right until next time keep looking
up Jesus Christ is coming soon if you
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