State of emergency in Auckland, New Zealand floods cause chaos, residents warned to stay in homes

2 years ago

Auckland International Airport, New Zealand, was closed after being completely flooded by heavy rains that hit the region, this Friday (27)***

Authorities in Auckland, New Zealand have declared a state of emergency amid harsh weather conditions that have led to flooding, power cuts and traffic disruption. Residents have been warned to stay in their homes as the torrential rain worsens.

New Zealand officials have declared a state of emergency as the biggest downpour on record has caused flooding and traffic chaos on New Zealand's North Island.

Cars became submerged and were witnessed floating down Auckland's major roads - some commuters choosing to disembark buses stuck in traffic jams to run for their lives as waters rose on the Northern Motorway.

Residents in the West Auckland suburb of Henderson battled through the rising floodwaters to meet with rescuers and first responders.
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