NATO and Germany are not at war, Scholz makes it clear. FM: Together we waging war against Russia.

2 years ago

1. A spokeswoman for the federal government makes it clear:
"NATO and Germany are not at war." Olaf Scholz emphasized that again and again.
(Widerspruch zu Baerbock-Satz zu Russland?
"NATO und Deutschland sind nicht Kriegspartei" . Eine Sprecherin der Bundesregierung stellt klar: "Die Nato und Deutschland sind nicht Kriegspartei." Das habe Olaf Scholz immer wieder betont.

Im Europarat in Straßburg hatte Baerbock auf Englisch auf Kritik eines Briten an mangelnden Waffenlieferungen Deutschlands an die Ukraine erklärt:

"Ja, wir müssen mehr tun, auch bei den Panzern. Aber das Wichtigste und Entscheidende ist, dass wir es gemeinsam tun und dass wir in Europa keine Schuldzuweisungen machen, denn wir führen einen Krieg gegen Russland und nicht gegeneinander."
*2. Tino Krupalla, leader of the opposition party Alternative for Germany, has called for the dismissal of German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.*

The main reason for this demand was the statement of the head of the Foreign Ministry about the "war against Russia."

Recall that on January 24, Baerbock said at a PACE meeting that the European countries "together are waging war against Russia." This, according to the minister, is the "decisive" and "most important" thing.
*3. Zakharova asked Stoltenberg [and Germany] if he considers citizens of NATO countries to be idiots.*

The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, turned to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg with a question related to the participation of the alliance in the conflict in Ukraine.

“Do you really consider the citizens of the EU and NATO countries to be uniform idiots?” she asked.

The diplomat stressed that the West not only sends tanks to Kyiv, but also forms recruitment centers for the recruitment of citizens of Ukraine and other countries on the basis of Ukrainian embassies abroad.
#baerbock #ukrainewar #ukrainerussianwar #pace #europeanunion #wardeclaration #germany #statement #statementpiece #enattendantgodot #moses #recruitment #mercenaries
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