If You Find You Need a Blood Transfusion, Can You Avoid Getting Blood Tainted by the C*VID vaccine?

1 year ago

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If You Find You Need a Blood Transfusion, Can You Avoid Getting Blood Tainted by the C*VID vaccine?
Demand has exploded for Unadulterated Blood

With Safe Blood Donation’s George Della Pietra, Founder, and Clinton Ohlers, Media Liaison

Have you heard of this, or thought about it?

Given the ongoing stories of the weird blood clots people are having… and the strange ingredients in the shots themselves, would you want a Safe Blood option if available? Consider this: The world’s wealthiest attendees (co-conspirators) at the Davos meeting reportedly will only fly with un-jabbed pilots – because they don’t want to die if and when a vaxxed pilot has a stroke or heart attack!

For this and other obvious reasons, Swiss Naturopath and Safe Blood founder George Della Pietra are suddenly in demand. George will present why, and more importantly, how we can ensure that any unexpected hospitalizations won’t include a toxic transfusion.

Due to overwhelming demand, Safe Blood Donation has quickly expanded to more than 50 nations, where the service aims to partner with local medical partners to bring blood donors and receivers together, and, where the law allows, provide unvaxxed blood plasma to blood banks.

What about blood from the Red Cross? Captured or corrupted (just like vaxxed blood), the Red Cross will not separate blood by vaccination status – despite all of the evidence showing why that’s needed. But, the COVID hysteria has awakened humanity to the global elitists’ nefarious plans regarding authoritarian control and depopulation.

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