Prepare For The Apocalypse - Scientists Set Doomsday Clock Closer To Midnight

2 years ago

Prepare For The Apocalypse - Scientists Set Doomsday Clock Closer To Midnight

Science Maniatics, are you ready for some heart-stopping news? Marcus here as your Science Maniatics correspondent for today. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has issued a warning that humanity is facing a time of "unprecedented danger."

The Doomsday Clock, a symbol of how close we are to global catastrophe, has been moved 10 seconds closer to midnight, now at 90 seconds to midnight. This is the closest it has been to symbolic doom since it was created over 75 years ago.The clock's adjustment is in response to the multiple threats that humanity is facing right now.

The threat of nuclear war and the increasing number of nuclear weapons, the devastating impact of climate change and the lack of action to curb it, and the ongoing threat of pandemics and biological warfare.

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