Plate Carrier Review (Technical): CRYE PRECISION Adaptive Vest System (AVS) Overview

2 years ago

***Apologies for “Adaptable” and not “Adaptive” in the Intro and Outro***

This is a technical plate carrier review of the Crye Precision AVS. Crye Precision debuted the Adaptive Vest System or AVS in 2012. The AVS would eventually replace the MBAV or Modular Body Armor Vest that was standard issue for some SOF units at the time and already ten years old itself. The aim of the AVS was true full-spectrum scalability: load-carrying that could go from low-vis to a full armored LBV.

Now, roughly 11 years after the AVS was introduced, GWOT is over. Threats have changed. Focus has shifted. Markets have evolved. Technology has advanced. The world is a very different place and questions about how well the AVS has aged have started to emerge.

So does the AVS still have what it takes to be a contender in 2022 and beyond? Stay tuned to find out on this episode of Qore Performance INSIGHTS.

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Table of Contents
0:00 - Intro
0:48 - AVS Sizzle
1:17 - Plate Carrier Overview
2:06 - IceAge Ecosystem Integration
4:00 - Dry Weight
4:43 - Wet Weight
5:45 - Materials
6:03 - Thermoregulation
6:38 - Unique Features
7:47 - Variety
8:00 - Sizing Adjustability
8:23 - Country of Origin
8:44 - Price
9:20 - Conclusion

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