2 years ago

#G13▪︎Message For Today▪︎
▪︎The #RICHNESS in our lives depends on the richness within ones self..
Your A T T I T U D E reflects what comes to you in life..If you are that #Individual..
That harbors negative
T H O U G H T S and A C T I O N S..the forces that will be drawn to you will be negative also..
Your #ThoughtProcess is the
F O U N D A T I O N for all you do in L I F E . .
Tapping into these energies for proper usefulness can be difficult without
F O C U S and D E T E R M I N A T I O N..
which seems like a lot of "#Humans" lack..or have given up on..
The drive to S U C C E E D is diminished almost completely with our #GoalSetting..
H E L P and L E A D others is going in the wrong direction..The world is becoming lawless..were a the
#RULES and #REGULATIONS of doing right can be bought or over turned by the $$$ sign..
There is no proper and honest
J U S T I C E in the systems today..
Right or Wrong is not the issue..It's about the amount of #MONEY you have..to set you
F R E E..or keep you confined to their twisted rules and regulations of so called L A W..
I truly believe that this world is at a point of no return with its sinful N A T U R E in everything it does..and the S O U L S of many have succumbed to the negative side of #Life..not all..but many..and when our
L O R D and S A V I O R returns..for those who believe..We will have #EverlastingPeace..and the chains of despair and destruction will be lifted from our hearts..#AMEN..
Keep P E A C E in your hearts..Go with #God..and move forward with "#PositiveOptimism"..#MuchLove "Humans"▪︎
G O D B L E S S . . . ❤🎇🛐🎼⚛🌎☯️♓🕴☻💯Like..Follow..Subscribe..Comment and Share :

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