Allah and Muhammad are Dead - Jesus Christ is Lord

1 year ago

I proclaim the Name of Jesus Christ the Lord over the United States of America and over every state capital and city therein!

Now everyone say out loud in unison, “Muhammad was, is, and forever will be a False Prophet!!! Muhammad had a demon. That's why he encouraged his followers to serve the moon god idol which demanded murdering others as they kill themselves, also pillage and destroy their neighbors. Muhammad’s miracles were false as well as his words. Allah is not God and Muhammad was not his messenger! Muhammad was a Lying, Child Molesting human butcher who taught his deceived followers to behead innocent men, women, children and babies in his book of lies call the UNHOLY Qur'an! Muhammad is in hell and now dooms his followers to suffer his same eternal fate!“

This video could change your Life and turn this world right-side up! Atheism and secular humanism has only created the necessary conditions for Islamic Terrorism and Sharia Law to flourish. The god of self cannot save. Its time for America to realize that political debates and argumentative tit for tats will not wake people up or change a person's proud heart. We all need an encounter with the One and Only Holy God and that's only going to happen by way of acknowledging our sinfulness, renouncing it, and receive God's forgive by surrendering your the real you totally over to Jesus Chris the Lord.

That addiction you could never break can disintegrate in the presence of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ arose in resurrection power laying down His precious sinless life of a roman cross to pay for all the sins of those the world past, present, and future who would ever trust Him to be their Lord (Owner, Ruler, King, Highest Authority) and Savior. The purpose of Life and the source of meaning is found in knowing, following, and serving Jesus Christ right now and after you lay the earth-suit of your body down after taking your last breath. Don't so caught up with the temporary props in the stage of life. The only audience that you should seek the highest approval from and be pleasing is God Almighty, and you will NEVER be pleasing to God nor possess the gift of eternal life until you surrender the weight of your life on JESUS JESUS JESUS!!!

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