How to CONVERT Fractions to Decimals? - 2 Ways and it is Simple!

2 years ago

This video contains examples of converting fractions to decimals. We can convert these through two methods. In the first method, we transform the fraction's denominator into a power of 10. On the other hand, the second method is focused more on the traditional way of dividing numbers. This method is more flexible than the first one since it won't require the denominator to be a factor of a power of 10. For instance, if the denominator is 7, it will be hard to apply the first method since all powers of 10 do not have a factor of 7.

0:00 - Introduction
0:20 - Method 1
2:10 - Method 2: Terminating Decimals
7:13 - Method 2: Non-Terminating Decimals
10:59 - Summary

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