The MP5k/ MP5k PDW history and modernization since the GSG9 (Feat. James Williamson/Teufelshund Tac)

2 years ago

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The Heckler & Koch MP5k is shrouded in greater mystery than you think. While there may be many images of it now, it is still difficult to spot them "in the wild" due to their users' preference for low-profiles...

So exactly why were they created? Who used them? Why did H&K USA subsequently make an MP5k PDW? We teamed up with James Williamson from @teufelshundtactical7125 to get some of these questions answered, and explore the process of modernizing the MP5k PDW.

You may be suprised at the the performance of this "kleiner" beast when pushed with the latest accessories!

Accessories featured:
@HecklerKochTV SP5k
B&T collapsible stock
​ @midwestindustriesinc6830 MLOK grip
Slate Black Industries grip panels and SVG [available at the SBI website! - use code 9HOLE]
Arisaka 300 series light and side mount [mounts available at the SBI website! - use code 9HOLE]
SureFire, LLC ST07 pressure pad
@primaryarms Holosun ACSS micro dot

Special Thanks:
James Williamson / @teufelshundtactical7125
Watch his full length MP5k video here:

H&K MP5K Operational Briefcase

HK MP5K Shoulder Harness

Vz61 / MP5k

Thanks to The Gun Room, LLC in the Woodlands, Texas for helping with the transfer!

0:00 Video Start
0:57 Intro
2:18 MP5k - SP5k history
3:27 MP5k briefcase
4:45 James Williamson
6:06 Push - Pull technique
10:26 MP5k PDW history
13:26 MP5k PDW concealment
17 :21 Modernized MP5k
21:13 Concealment
21:44 Accuracy
23:05 Recoil test
24:51 Charging handle
26:33 Suppressor use
28:02 MP5k modularity
28:44 Conclusion

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Consider visiting our supporter @SlateBlackIndustries 👉 Discount Code "9HOLE" for MLOK accessories

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This video's editing by Agency Communications LLC
Music by Tyops (THANKS!!!)

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