How I stay sober after losing my son to an accidental fentanyl overdose #Grief #Sobriety#QuitDrugs

2 years ago

The story of how my son spoke to me after losing his life to an accidental fentanyl overdose. How I stay sober after losing my son to a national fat ass in the power of God in prayer. #BestAASpeaker #AASpeaker #Recovery #Sobriety #QuitFentanyl #FentanylOverdose #QuitDrugs #DrugOverdose #Grief #Loss #RecoveryFromFentanyl #RecoveryFromDrugs #RecoveryFromAlcohol #Alcoholic #AlcoholicsAnonymous #OneDayAtATime, #God #Prayer #PeaceOfMind #Love #Spirituality #Spirit #RealmOfTheSpirit #JoeRogan #DoctorPhil #JordanPeterson #OnSchwarzenegger #LivingSober #DrugFree #AlcoholFree #FentanylFree

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