Can You See The Irony of This Story?

1 year ago

Folks, Can you see the Jewish irony in this global democide against-humanity story?
I am not sure if Vera Sharav sees this irony.
But I am 100% sure that the late Dr Vladimir Zelenko saw it!

BTW, 50 years ago, as a young man, I read (the Vietnamese translation) "Exodus" by Leon Uris. At that time I had no way to do further research. So, like many others, I swallowed the "heroic re-creation of Israel" of the "chosen people" as historical facts with wholehearted admiration!
Shlomo Sand (the invention of Jewish People and The Invention of the Land of Israel) and Gilad Atzmon (The Wandering Who?) and other ex-Jews have helped me to unlearn and re-learn many things not just the official Jewish history!

The so-called "Nuremberg Codes" is really a sick joke given the evilness of "the Operation Paperclip". This is one among many of what I've re-learnt!
Anyway, the last word is yours as always.

Please, take your time to watch and listen to this compilation in its entirety if you really want to fathom the subtlety of this Talmudic Covid clotshot operation by system of government authority, without which this evil crime would have never been able to be carried out so successfully at such global scale.

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