2 years ago

FDA Warnings On-The-Box Of The Covid-19 PCR Tests Debunk Germ Theory & Virology: https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/virology-debunked-w-cracker-jack-pcr-test---10-points-on-the-box -- If your believe Covid is a novel thing that you can prove is what is causing your sniffles you must believe in 1) Evolution 3) Evolution of just Covid (not the evolution of the hundreds of other pathogens). Only Covid evolves to 500 variants in 2 years... "Indefinitely" - (FDA). Now variants by the vaccine too (allegedly). Apparently, Covid can mate with another Covid. You must be real scared now... 2) Hide in your closet 3) Wear 5 Masks in a Darth Vader suit 4) Take all 5 primary series vaccines, and a vaccine for every variant, every 1-6 months (FDA). 5) You must social distance, close your business and never go in the public again (without permission). 6) You must wear a social distancing and contact tracing monitor and cell phone 7) Your contacts within 6 feet will be notified, medically kidnapped to an Isolation Camp, indefinitely. 8) Be given a fake PCR or Antibody test and vaccine 'has no correlation to protection from antibodies' and antibody tests have no correlation to infection (FDA). 9) Kill any animals you think 'might be' infected with fake virus 10) Be willingly medically kidnapped and be given the 'Covid Protocol' of Rendezivir (Cyanide), Meladozam or Fentanyl + Ventilator. Because as we know 90% in 2020 given Ventilators died, no autopsies (by rule of Covid measures). https://bitchute.com/video/wGJymUty07YH/

January 10th 2023 Some newly mailed COVID tests from the government expire imminently — even with extensions. Tests cannot detect a virus, only proteins, not for any other pathogens or virus's . Does not determine whether you have had Covid previously nor natural immunity. https://www.yahoo.com/news/newly-mailed-covid-tests-government-005704717.html

1) All Tests that are EUA, Emergency Use Only, NOT APPROVED & NOT A LICENSE & EUA Withdrawn. Violations of EUA. All 10 Covid vaccines are WHO's Emergency Use Authorized Only. FDA EUA PDF.

All Tests have both false positives and false negatives

8) PCR Tests are known to have 80-90%+ false-positives; as the side of the box says; if you test negative twice, keep testing until you test positive. Meaning, it's no more accurate than Flipping-A-Coin or the 33% Placebo-Effect. SARS | Guidance | Lab | Diagnostic Assays in Community Preparedness and Response | CDC "false positive paradox" "risks of testing asymptomatics" | BMJ. Mammograms causing false positives. HIV false positives. CDC: The detected agent may not be the definitive cause of the disease. FDA: it is clearly stated that ordinary seasonal flu genetic material has been used as a test marker in PCR test kits. False positives produced by temperature, time and foods.

PCR Test genetic markers are not unique to SARS Cov-2

9) PCR and Antibody Tests have been shown in independent tests to test positive for things like coca cola, orange juice, Goat & Sheep, Paw-Paw and more. PCR detects just 20 base pairs from a virus that has 29,000 base pairs in length. This minute fragment of RNA can attach to particulate matter and readily be found in the environment. It has been shown that the alleged Covid genetic sequences match 900+ other things in the Gene Databank.

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