Dark Horde: Warcraft 3 Struggle For Azeroth Altered Melee/Mod Let's Play

1 year ago

This is The Struggle for Azeroth Mod, a series of Custom Melee Maps for Warcraft 3 that adds naval functions and even custom factions. We say this is a mod is because multiple custom melee maps are included.

Another Custom Faction of this mod is the Dark Horde Which can be selected when playing as the Horde/Orcs, the other choice is the Western Horde which is what the basic Horde/Orcs of Warcraft 3 have been renamed to. Units include: War Turtle which can vore enemy units and can be upgraded to attack multiple air units at once, Raider which is a Orc riding a wolf, Dragon Rider which is a Orc Riding a Dragon, The Sapper explodes itself when it is used against a building, Steam Tank, Zeppelin which transports units, and Smasher, among others. Heroes include a Jujumancer which is a cunning hero who can make a shadow copy of a unit that can even attack and even give itself a shadow form, among other abilities), the Alchemist which can use a rage potion to give it increased melee damage and even "transmute" a foe into gold granting a nice resource bonus and instantly killing said foe, and the Tinker which can transform itself into a robo-goblin, use a pocket factory to build clockwerk goblins, and fire rockets over a target area. A Upgrade called Mannoroth's Fury makes the Orc units unholy, changes their unit icons and 3D models with red skin, and allows them to deal chaos damage.

The mod/map can be found on HiveWorkshop.

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00: This is the Dark Horde of the Struggle for Azeroth mod, it differs somewhat from the Dark Horde and Fel Horde custom melee map I found on Hive Workshop.

1:04: Pillage allows some units to gain resources as they attack.

1:45: There's a lot of credits related reading material here relating to the Theramore Altered Melee Map

The Orcs of this faction can drink Mannoroth's Blood, making them unholy and letting them deal Chaos Damage.

4:07: So basically the Alchemist can take Meth or something for combat.

5:52 Finally the EXP books are ready.

7:02: The Rabbit is getting in the way of our Laboratory.

7:47: The Alchemist has a ability that can turn his foes into money.

8:26: Our Allies chose the Eastern Horde Faction and they're here to help.

12:30: Drinking forbidden blood makes the Orcs unholy.

14:15: Building more burrows as we speak.

15:50: Just wanted to show you what the naval units look like, even if we won't be using them.

16:07: The Orc Unit icons are different because of the Mannoroth's Fury upgrade.

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