One Cartridge Two Zeros: SIG Romeo 9T

1 year ago

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In its continuing effort to provide everything for the US military from shoelaces to fighter jets, SIG has developed an optic which resolves a challenge with .300 Blackout and other calibers which offer both supersonic and subsonic loadings. Namely, how does one zero an optic for such a rifle? SIG's answer was to build a red dot optic with two separate emitters, each creating an independent reticle. One is green and one is red to easily keep track of which is which, and they are each zeroed independently. A single button cycles between red, green, and both on simultaneously.

Beyond basic durability and waterproofness, a number of other military concerns are addressed with the Romeo9T. Its emitters are positioned vertically, and the glass is designed to prevent any light spillage out the front of the optic, where it could be seen by enemy forces with night vision gear. It also has an emergency brightness feature - tap the main button once and the reticle jumps to maximum brightness (a second tap returns it to whatever the previous setting was). This is to allow rapid adapting to brightness when using NVGs. Moving from darkness into a lit room or having outdoor lights come on will render a reticle set to VNG brightness completely washed out and invisible, and this feature allows a quick solution.

The price is expected to be (IMO) eye watering, probably because as long as it's the best (or only) option, military budgets will pay for it regardless.

Forgotten Weapons
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Tucson, AZ 85740

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