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2004 End Times teaching of things to come now in headlines: Meggido 101


2017021901 WEEK 9 PART 1 :enemies strategies,fake news origins,presstitutes,GUMBALLS IMMIGRATION INVASION,control strategies,God vs mans ways

20140409 Week 3:Preparation: To develop the Bereans “Scripture Reflex”, Objective thinking, media,false flags,Hegelian Dialectic,NWO plans

20140416 week 4- Project Blue Beam,HAARP,Signs,Russia invasion,judgement,(C cubed I),martial law dream

Our New Ministry intro for lIve and videos

Abiding in God's Word in Christ

20140326 week 1 of 4 week Overview of 1 year course To Protect, Discern the Times, prepare for the coming of 2nd Coming:Week 1: Understanding our Jewish Roots:– Grafted In, Anthems, Pledges

20161002 week 1-125 min YPMP study-intro-ch 1-Gods voice/Word/identity-Satans plans-truth is Christ

20161030 week 3 only 2 hrs-Days of Noah-Gen 6-Antichrist plans-2Thss 2:3-Eph 6:14-persecution-hitech

20161113 week 4 only 53 min DAYS OF NOAH-GEN 6-ANTICHRIST PLANS-2THSS 2:3-EPH 6:14-PERSECUTION-HITECH wheat tares

20170123 WEEK 7 155 min DeepState Narative/language/strategies vs being Gods soldier in the present War,battle tactics/techniques

20170224 week 10-FALSE PROPHETS,privacy tools,spycraft,immigration invasion-ITCHING EARS

20170310 week 11 movie night: Strategies against the Enemy, movie intro Covenant & Controversy

20170319 ch4 YPMP, real scifi tech,spyware,Antisemitism ,idolatry,sight vs faith,Satan's wiles

2017040201 ,Our Hands are Stained with Blood by Michael Brown, Testimony

2017040202 Jesus blood to Adams skull,Israel Trip,There's Blood on our Hands-Michael Brown

20170416 week 13 Ch 4 Abiding,Greek vs. Hebrew mindset,Mat.12:28-34, Bible origins,fullness of time, Michael Brown

Berean Builders Passover service 3hr30 min only

20170528 Fallen angel tech,nuclear war deception,minister to the Lord first,Jewish tone of NT books

20170611 week 17 news,Q&A,world events,abiding,faith vs sight

20171203 Jewish Roots,Spirit poured out on Jews,Satans vs Gods strategies

20180114 Preparing for Persecution, New Govt church structure,Revival vision - New Age/NWO false rapture-tribulation

2018021102 Satan's methods of attacking Identity (Your Name), West vs Eastern(Christian) Mindset

2018021102 Great Deception, Satans program execution, scripture defines scripture, the temple, study tools, 2Thess 2

2018021103 baptism in the Spirit,Stevie Lightle,spiritual commando,spiritual power,silent judgement of God

2018022501 46 min only-WORSHIP,rebuilding of Babylon-Chuck Missler-UNDERGND CHURCH-coming church govt STRUCTURE

2018022502-only 22 min REPENTANCE,holiness/REVIVAL VISIONs,prophets are the eyesalve,sign of jonah,what to do

20180311 censorship,exegesis,Greek vs Hebrew mindset,5th commandment,repentance,fake news, NSA tactics

2018050601-PART 1-SHEPHERDING-Testing of Spirits,being SPIRIT LED,miracles

2018050602-part 2 Being Spirit led, Gods plans, Claiming the Spiritual Gates from Freemasons,Spiritual Recon,Principalities,Callings

2018040801 Satans strategys, watchmen,eternal science,alien origin/purpose,1900 AD warning coming true

2018040802 Sign of Jonah now,Pallywood,ms13,in Days of Elijah,Jezebel,UN/Vatican alien preparation/small arms treaty,depopulation,REX84,Sword Training from Heaven

2018032501 Mat.7:23,deception,fear of the Lord,intimacy vs. power,Gods word a weapon, hiding place

2018052002 CH.9 Awakening YPMP-Ch 9,my background/ miracles, insider,1John 4:1-3,exposing heresy

20140326 week 1 of 4 week Overview of 1 year course To Protect, Discern the Times, prepare for the coming of 2nd Coming:Week 1: Understanding our Jewish Roots:– Grafted In, Anthems, Pledges
My Background:
Pre-Christian:1968-1987: Occult and New Age involvement(all demonic):
Paranormal, telepathy, psychokinesis, astral projection, Ufos, meditation, mind sciences, supernatural
Aerospace/defense R&D for DND/USAF: lasers/missiles/electromagnetic devices
electronic countermeasures
Christian Ministry : 30 years in prophecy research, full Time ministry in '99 w/ NBC/CCC with seminars in 20 churches on spiritual/physical preparedness
Teaching : Ezekiel, minor prophets, psalms/proverbs and end times
Prophets: To Be or Not to be, Megiddo 101
The Overview:
Week 1: Understanding our Jewish Roots:– Grafted In, Anthems, Pledges
Week 2: Understanding our Jewish Roots – symbols, antisemitism, repentance
Week 3: Preparation: To develop the Bereans “Scripture Reflex”, Objective thinking, and role of media
Week 4: Understanding the Endimes
Week1: Did you know:
1) The Torah is the first 5 books of our bible and was written when in captivity in Babylon.
2) The Jews were blinded so WE could be saved
3) God commanded the Jews to be a people of Remembrance and to preserve their traditions
4) Its our duty and command of the Lord to provoke the Jews to jealousy towards God
5) 1st century believers had no bible
Why we need to know:
1) IN times of religious persecution history shows 3 groups: Jews, Christians and Muslims
2) If we don’t stand up for Israel, who stands up for us when there’s no one left.
3) The fastest heresy in the Christian church is replacement theology.
4) Its the thermometer of our love for each other and God.
5) Because God will be hold us accountable.
The book used for the 1 year course:Your People shall be my people-Don Finto (used by Permission)
Because, like Ruth in the Old Testament, every Gentile believer has come out of the land of famine and into the spiritual realm of abundance in the name of Jesus. But, unlike Ruth, we have turned our backs on the relatives of the Messiah. We need to confess personally and on behalf of the Church for centuries of persecution of the Jewish people, taking every opportunity to bless and not to curse them. Once again, Israel and her people are center stage at a crucial moment in world history, and this book shows why the Church must effect reconciliation and how Israel, the Jewish people and the Christian Church will come together in the last days.
Table of Contents Outline:
Ch.1-The Beginning of the End
Ch.2-The "Greater Riches" World Revival
Ch.3-Israel - A Nation of Priests
Ch.4-Targeted Annihilation
Chapter 4 -The Targeted Annihilation
Chapter 5 -The Early Jewish "Church"
Chapter 6 - The "Gentilizing" of the Church
Chapter 7 - Division - The DNA of the Gentile Church
Chapter 8 - Return to the Land
Chapter 9 - The Awakening
Chapter 10-The Resurrected "Nazarenes"
Chapter 11-Jew and Gentile - "One New Man"
Chapter 12- Time to Pray
Chapter 13-The Final Exodus
Chapter 14-Blessed to be a Blessing
Week 1: Understanding our Jewish Roots:– Grafted In, Anthems, Pledges
Welcome to Berean Builder Ministries where we assist you as a soldier for Christ in the Eternal War of the Savior and the Serpent. To know Who and Whose you are, preserving/protecting truth through daily walking in the Spirit, practicing situational awareness and Sword Training in an online and local community daily cultivating His Abiding Presence and His Word.
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- financially support our ministry,
- find access to our bi-weekly small group on signal ,
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- our visions blog and testimonies/strategies for today
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“ “
Also please watch this movie about the importance now of the Jewish Wedding Feast..I actually have taught on this
Rumble where all 50 videos uncensored are:
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