SPIRIT of the ANTICHRIST is at WORK amoung us ... on Steroids! - J.B. Hixson

2 years ago

Mirrored from ---> https://youtu.be/M6rWkSIw1k8
Economic Sustainable Governance - ESG - REALLY mean The Elite Satanic Globalist who are PAVING the way for the Antichrist King and NWO/Beast Kingdom.
If you think things are CRAZY in the world, that is because Satan is INSANE ... He thinks he is god and he can DEFEAT the God who made him.
The Spirit of the Antichrist is a spirit that says "I'm OK" ... I don't need to REPENT of my SIN - a Self Indulgent Nature of rebellion toward God but I can decide for myself what is right and wrong and "Do it MY way".
Man has an empty God size hole in his heart and he tries to FILL it without everything to supress his need for God love and purpose for his life.
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. - 1 John 4:3
The Spirit of the Antichrist | J.B. Hixson ---> https://youtu.be/F-hs3cFVgig
Reading the daily headlines requires a strong constitution. Life seems to get a little more bizarre every day. Our world seems to be increasingly controlled by a small group of so-called elites who make the rules … most of the time against the will of the people. The Internet, satellites and government systems of control have created a surveillance society where our every move is tracked and analyzed. Open borders, trillions of dollars in debt, gender confusion, rampant crime, homelessness, media corruption … can America survive all this?
You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. - Psalm 16:11
Dear Jesus,
I ask You to forgive me of my Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) ... which I was born with ... a NATURE that makes me think I can get through this world without You. I REPENT of my "I did it my way" attitude, which is REBELLION toward You and Your PLAN for me. I ask You to SAVE me from my SIN so I am NO Longer separated from You.
I believe that You, Jesus, are the Son God ... You are God in the FLESH. I believe You died on the cross for me and shed Your blood for me as the PAYMENT for my SIN and I believe that You rose from the grave on the third day to PROVE that EVERYTHING You SAID is TRUE! ⁣I RECEIVE You Jesus into my LIFE through Your HOLY Spirit so I am Spiritually BORN AGAIN. Thank You for saving my soul. Thank You for forgiving all my sins (past, present and future) and thank You for giving me Eternal Life and being IN me, never to FORSAKE me, EVER PRESENT to guide me, discipline me, comfort me and give me JOY! Amen
Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” - John 3:3
The ABCs of Salvation explained by JD Farag --> https://youtu.be/XyNuvJNE3-Q
A - Admit your a sinner   (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name    (Romans 10:13)
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. - Romans 10:9
With your mind you BELIEVE
With your heart you RECEIVE
With your mouth you CONFESS
You're no longer DECEIVED!
Do you WANT to Know the TRUTH about what is going on in the world? This world and humanity is FALLEN and UNDER the CURSE of SIN. God has a WONDERFUL PLAN for you and for His Kingdom COME ... God doesn't want you to PERISH in SIN but to live in Christ and be BORN AGAIN! Listen to the Living word of God from the BOOK of John NKJV ---> https://youtu.be/0I8VfF310EE
Blessings - Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings

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