2017021901 WEEK 9 PART 1 :enemies strategies,fake news origins,presstitutes,GUMBALLS IMMIGRATION INVASION,control strategies,God vs mans ways

2 years ago

News,Obamas shadow govt,Trumps family association with John Knox,military strategy,Trump became sniper bait,Satans wiles/strategies,Obama soldier army development,one body dream of future underground church(see my website or blog for details),EMP, military equipment,media control,CFR,scripture reflex,objective vs subjective thinking,Thesis Antithesis strategies,being IN Christ not about or of Him,INTIMACY,our Doing is defined by our Being,mans vs Gods way,Mark of a man of God-Steve Camp,Reformation,condemnation before investigation,presstitutes started in 1950's,chinas ownership/strategies,Gods judgement,FBI report that labels Christians as domestic terrorists and 10 years ago said over 1 million of US pop were radical Islam terrorists,2012 N.E.S.T. alert of Russia nukes smuggled into US,the nuclear winter lie,need for repentance,East Timor proof of news bias and censorship,manufaacturing consent,Walmart/Chinas influence,MURSK,china owned California deep water port,mediaopoly,Network clip TV truth,Corporation nature/strategy,nazi propaganda systems used worldwide

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Also please watch this movie about the importance now of the Jewish Wedding Feast..I actually have taught on this https://youtu.be/DoLnzn4DaY0?si=HsJoz7vZ0pQVqBAq
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