January 26, 2023

2 years ago

Deploy Funds in Blueberry (AIP 78)

This proposal aims to approve $500,000 worth of investments each for ALCX, alUSD and alETH on Blueberry Lend. This would enable users to borrow all three assets to participate in strategies such as supplying liquidity to the Sushi and Uniswap pools or supplying to the base alAsset Curve pools.

Transmuter ERC-4626 Yield Strategy (AIP 79)

This proposal aims to approve Revest Finance to build an ERC-4626 alETH vault that loops alAssets through their respective transmuters (buy alAssets, transmute, withdraw underlying ETH, and repeat). This partnership will offer Revest six months of optional up-front yield for users to lock their LP for six months. An 8% APR is the suggested up-front yield, paid in ETH by Alchemix's treasury. The suggested total offering is 100 ETH, for a maximum of 2,500 alETH staked.
The goal is to reduce the incentivization cost per unit of alETH liquidity by making transmuter yield more accessible and predictable.

As always if you have a stake in the DAO, check out the forum (https://forum.alchemix.fi/public/), communicate with your community, and vote. The protocol depends on it.

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