Thermos Cooking Smoked Turkey Chili

2 years ago

Thermos Cooking Smoked Turkey Chili

The link below will take you to the video where I made the turkey carne seca used in this recipe. Any time you do something like this you will need to adjust a bit until you’re happy with it. I had cooked pinto beans that I deydrated and a bunch of other things. Below the Turkey carne seca are links to where I dehydrated all of these ingredients. I call it kinetic cooking because you use energy up front and finish it later. This recipe worked out pretty good. I’d be inclined t add a bit of carbs such as hominy so it will stick to you ribs a tad bettter. Hominy is nixtamalized corn. That was a process that unlocked niacin. Kind of important if you don’t want issues from crappy diets. There’s a video on how to do that under the dehydrated vegetable video. The Europeans took corn back and added it to their diets, but didn’t bother with the silly ashes and boiling process even though the corn was a lot tastier that way. A lot of people died because of that.
In the video you will notice probably the really large red pepper pieces on the top. Next time I’ll cut them up a lot smaller. Some peppers have a skin that is vaguely reminiscent of mylar. That pepper is one of them.

Now why cooking in a thermos? You don’t have to keep adding heat. The insulated vessel holds the heat in and cooks everything. That means you’re saving energy. You can move on to other things because you’re not stirring it all of the time and most importantly: If there’s a zombie apocalypse like the 2008 election and you have to hide you won’t be putting cooking food stank into the air like a main battle flare. When people are starving their sense of smell becomes very elevated. Hiding muc? Not good in that case right? Also make certain there is a good variety in what you have. People have been known to starve because of food boredom.
I know! I know! Zombies eat brains not food. If you put off a bunch of tasty food smell, hungry people will show up and that attract’s a certain type of person that craves what they don’t have. Brains. You know who they are. They’ll vote for a certain type of person because it is time for them to get power just to see what happens. Policy and results don’t have to match up at all. Because equity! Because Doh!

Turkey Carne Seca and Soup stock

Dehydrated vegetables video

How to nixtamalize corn.

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