Eliza Bleu is 2023's Amber Heard. Sick of the lies. Calling Out Tim Pool! My Own Story of Abuse.

1 year ago

#timpool #timcast #timcastirl #elizableu #censorship #freebrittanyventi #brittanyventi #thequartering #twitter #vermontredpill

Not to beat a Grifting Dead Horse but there's Certain Youtube Personalities refuse to address this. They are pretending she doesn't exist and they never championed her on their platform. Interesting. They call out the media for doing the same thing. I'm calling Tim Pool, Viva Frei, Viva Barnes, Michael Malice, and Cassandra Fairbanks OUT. None of u did your research and now you won't even address the controversy over Brittany and Jeremy's suspension. You are no better than the MSM you criticize. Inform your subscribers what's going on! They are STILL suspended. #freethequartering #freebrittanyventi. BS suspension and censorship is the problem here. The fact Eliza Bleus a liar and an imposter is secondary. She may or may not be Elon Musk's new girlfriend. No wonder she reminds me of Amber Heard.

See or Skip hearing about my abusive marriage, it's at: 4:25 - 7:30

Thanks for raising all this awareness and money for a worthy cause. Hopefully all the money you've grifted goes to actual victims of human trafficking and not towards your new persona.
Vermont Red Pill

Manuel Defango's Rumble Video: https://rumble.com/v26hxao-who-is-eliza-bleu-the-actual-truth-about-tracking-advocate-plus-lawsuit-dtv.html
Manuel Defango's FIRE Twitter Thread: https://twitter.com/manueldefango
Manuel Defango's FIRE Twitter Thread Archived: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1607333035728588803.html
Eliza Bleu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/elizableu
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