100 Years of the Federal Reserve

2 years ago

Ben Swann


Dec 19, 2013
100 years ago, this December, the United States Congress created a central bank today, we know it as the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. What most people don't know is that the bank isn't a federal entity and candidly, it really has nothing in reserves.
Is the Federal Reserve good for the United States? Is it even possible to get rid of it?
The first step toward truth is to be informed.

Reading List
*All Presidents’ Bankers by Nomi Prins
*Babylon's Banksters Joseph P Farrell
*Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged
*The Creature from Jekyll Island
*Dishonest Money: Financing Road Ruin
*End the Fed by Ron Paul
*The Federal Reserve Conspiracy Sutton
*God’s Bankers History Money Power
*History Central Banking Enslavement
*Lucifer’s Bankers How I Destroyed Swiss
*Our Enemy, The Fed by Thomas E Woods
*Secrets Federal Reserve Eustace Mullins
*Tower of Basel Shadowy History
*Tuttle Twins Creature from Jekyll Island

Bank/Central Bank/Fed Odysee

Bank/Central Bank/Fed YouTube

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