Honeybees Could Be COMPLETELY WIPED OUT By A New U.S. Biotech Vaccine

2 years ago

Honeybees Could Be COMPLETELY WIPED OUT By A New U.S. Biotech Vaccine

Hello and welcome back! Today we're going to be talking about an exciting and controversial new development in the world of beekeeping.

A biotech company called Dalan Animal Health has announced that it has received approval from the US government for its new honeybee vaccine. This vaccine is designed to help protect bees against a disease called American Foulbrood, which is caused by a type of bacteria called Paenibacillus larvae.

The vaccine works by using small fragments of the bacteria, which are mixed in with a substance called royal jelly that worker bees produce and feed to the queen bee and her larvae. When the queen eats the jelly, she will also be ingesting the vaccine, which will give her offspring some immunity to the disease.

This is great news for beekeepers, because it means they can prevent infections in their hives and avoid the need for costly treatments. It's also good news for bees, because infected bees and hives are often incinerated to stop the spread of the disease.

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