Mobile Home Metal Roof 8-2019

2 years ago

The guys are installing a metal roof over shingles on a single-wide mobile home.

00:00 Roof needed to be replaced
00:15 The pebbles have disappeared from the shingles
00:45 We'll screw the metal right down to the shingles, never had a problem with this in 30+ years
01:18 You can't fasten to metal, have to strip it and add a vapor barrier
02:45 If you do your own roof, if you have shingles you're good to go
03:00 You can add insulation
03:32 Dealing with traffic noise and wind
03:45 Didn't put screws on the outside edge because that's where the rake will go
03:55 No screws until the rake and corner are on
04:15 Invariably, the houses are not straight
04:25 Measuring for the roof jack
5:10 How to mark and cut the metal for roof jack
06:10 Hammer and screwdriver to cut the area out
07:06 Metals on, all the vents cut out around
07:30 Cut v into the vents when they go over a rib to get your seal
07:45 Doing the foam closure and ridge cap
08:00 Make your mark for foam where it will be under your ridge cap
08:14 Putting the foam down
08:47 How you want to lap the ridge cap
09:10 Good habit to have when installing ridge cap

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