Ep. 1: Universal Music, Duck Dynasty, Mr. Paul Vander Klay, Mr. C. Michael Patton, & Mr. Boethius

2 years ago

Thank you for being you & thank you for visiting!

In this video, I'm commencing a new series on hymnology :) If you'd like to see a list of sources which I cited in this video (& comments I forgot to include), please consider checking out https://deopatriaelitteris.wordpress.com/2023/01/27/hymn-huh-ep-1-universal-music-duck-dynasty-mr-paul-vander-klay-mr-c-michael-patton-mr-boethius/ . And if you'd like to see some summaries of points & skip to particular sections, please check out the 'Some Timestamps' provided just below.

I hope you'll enjoy the music & fodder for thought sprinkled throughout this piece! (Pssst...A not-so-secret-secret: for extra fun, around the 57th minute, I include a spontaneous 20-min. musical improv session.) I'm trying to up my YouTube game-- I recorded this with a Blue Yeti mic, and I'm looking into utilizing OBS for even better audio quality in the future. But I offer my sincerest apologies for this episode's low video quality. Yet again, I used iMovie as my editor; but I couldn't spare enough multi-GB hard drive space to upload this episode in terms of ProRes 4k 😅

P.S. If you'd like to support me in this project of mine (or related artistic and scholarly endeavors), I'm working on starting up a Patreon account or a Locals account. I'll aim to update this sentence with a link once I'm all set up :)

-- Some Timestamps --

*** Thumbnail & An iMovie Jingle (00:00 - 00:57)

*** Mission 1/2 -- Addressing 'What Is This New Series?' (00:58 - 06:15)

- An Introduction (00:58 - 02:42)
- Duck Dynasty + alluding to the basic format for future episodes in this series (02:43 - 06:15)

*** Mission 2/2 -- Addressing 'Why Am I Focusing On Hymns?' (06:16 - 1:17:43)

- It's seems like a great way to fuse my LTWR BA, Music AA, & Great Books background (06:16 - 10:13)
- I'm passionate about Hymnology, Philosophical Theology, Biblical Studies, Church History, Epistemology, etc (10:14 - 11:07)
- I know of very few CofC figures who openly engage with religious-political 'de-construction' and 're-construction', and I want to try to join that seemingly small chorus of CofC figures & craft this niche sort of video that I wish I could've seen years ago (11:08 - 12:56)
- For those who may not know about Churches of Christ, here's a super brief explanation of Church History leading up to Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement affiliated congregations (12:57 - 17:54)
- I love the Estuary movement which more or less gravitates around Mr. Paul Vander Klay, & I so would like to join a local Estuary group if there is one (17:55 - 18:40)

-- 4 Things I've Been Thinking About (18:41 - 56:53) [i.e. Artfully Aesthetic Apologetics = lit 🔥 & always urgently needful, ain't they?]
+++ [#1/4] Mr. PVK: Wokal Distance's Twitter War against Post-Modernity + https://historicalapologetics.org/ + https://credohouse.org/blog/how-to-study-the-bible-in-a-nutshell (18:41 - 34:51)
+++ [#2/4] Mr. PVK: Music as the Unexplored Apologetic + https://www.etymonline.com/word/music + Mr. Neil MacGregor’s “Living With The Gods” (34:52 - 46:31)
+++ [#3/4] Capturing Christianity: Why This Atheist Philosopher Converted to Eastern Orthodoxy + Mr. Benedict Sheehan's 'Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom' (46:32 - 53:39)
+++ [#4/4] Mr. PVK: Post-Atheist Christian Faith: Weird or Reasonable: Holland, Murray, Meyer, Butterfield and More + Mr. Shia LeBeouf's classic 'Just Do It' motivational mantra (53:40 - 56:53)

-- 4 More Things I've Been Thinking About (56:54 - 1:17:43) [i.e. what if the whole of reality and the world is overwhelmingly musical and magical? what if we're supposed to practice hymn-consciousness as well as Christ-consciousness?]
+++ [#1/4] Teaser for Mr. David J. Schlafer's 'Surviving the Sermon' + Mr. C.H. Spurgeon (56:54 - 1:04:04)
+++ [#2/4] Teaser for Mr. Boethius' work on 'The Fundamentals of Music' {https://classicalliberalarts.com/wp-content/uploads/BOETHIUS-Bower-1989-Fundamentals_of_Music.pdf} + Capturing Christianity on Psycho-Social Harmony + my Musica Universalis playlist (1:04:05 - 1:07:54)
+++ [#3/4] Teaser for Mr. Joachim-Ernst Berendt's 'The World Is Sound' + Mr. Epictetus on attention + Proverbs 13:20 (1:07:55 - 1:15:56)
+++ [#4/4] Re-Visiting John 1:1 (1:15:57 - 1:17:43)

*** Ending Benediction & Another iMovie Jingle (1:17:44 - 1:17:54)


If you'd like to get connected (if we’re not already), here are some social media handles!

My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westonscrivner/
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weston.scrivner
My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/weston-scrivner-b7b10ab4/
My Wordpress: https://deopatriaelitteris.wordpress.com/


As always, I pray that the gracious and peaceful force of God will be with you always & that the odds shall be ever more in your favor! ️ ️

Yours sincerely,

— Weston (or: Gastun, your friendly neighborhood re-penting Christ-ian)

Abyssus abyssum invocat! ♾️ 😎 🖖🏻 🙏🏻 ♾️

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