Episode 66-Are the banks going to crash-Part 2

2 years ago

In this episode of TishTalk, I return to a previous conversation with financial commentator David Ward. We review recent banking history starting with the creation of the Federal Reserve System. We discuss the relevance of the Glass Steagall Act in 1933 and the creations of 4 Pillars to protect individuals from speculators and why it was ended. . David reviews Bretton Woods, the gold standard and how Nixon created the Petro dollar in response to the OPEC oil crisis. David goes over how inflation has continued to rise, discusses the derivative fueled sub-prime mortgage collapse in 2007/2008 and speculates whether a bail-in scenario is possible with our current looming banking crisis. (for those who want to fact check a bail-in, please watch Chairman Martin Gruenberg of FDIC discuss it in a meeting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjN2l4PtcG0 . Finally, we discuss whether NESARA is real, why we must stop CDBCs and review critical banking reforms needed for our future and the importance of working to be money sovereign and debt lean in times ahead.

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