The World Before Adam and Eve

1 year ago

Contemporary research has determined that one of the main reasons young people abandon God, scripture, church is confusion and doubt about Genesis 1. What is the biblical explanation for the world before Adam and Eve?

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In the classroom kids are taught about geology, astronomy, paleontology (read Dinosaurs)… The problem is these scientific discoveries are taught in a setting that categorically rules out any design or purpose to the material universe. Phrases like is “natural selection” or “random mutation” promote a belief that reality is self-propelled and without purpose.

In Genesis 1 God tells us what we need to know about the created universe. The universe is His, He made it, He controls it, He sustains it, He brings forth life on it, and especially that He created it as a home for mankind to work out His plan for bringing many children into His family as fully formed spiritual beings blessed with the gift of eternal life.

Photos by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.​

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