CANADIAN AWARENESS™ Podcast - Shaman SunBow TrueBrother

2 years ago

Welcome to another episode of CANADIAN AWARENESS™ Podcast featuring an official Sasquatch contactee and channeler, author and Shamanic practitioner - SUNBOW TRUEBROTHER out of Quebec, Canada.

In this episode, SunBow TrueBrother who has had the honor of experiencing physical encounters and communication numerous times with physical Sasquatch beings across Australia, USA and Canada, he shares with us his inspiration behind his 6 books, overall message from Sasquatch to humanity, his own wise perspectives and humble opinions on human consciousness, spirituality and contacting Sasquatch beings on Earth.

A brilliant author of 6 empowering books and an expert on Sasquatch as well as Shamanic practises, SunBow TrueBrother is someone who has traveled the world over the past 40 years visiting over 20 countries learning, practicing and living authentic Shamanic ways and ceremonies.

For more information on SunBow TrueBrother please visit his website at:

Facebook: @ScenicSasquatch

#SunBow #SunBowTrueBrother #SunBow #TrueBrother #Bigfoot #yeti #Sasquatch #shamanism #shamanicmusic #shamanic #canadianawareness #ScenicSasquatch #quebec


Thank you for joining CANADIAN AWARENESS™ Podcast based out of Toronto, Canada, where we will openly be discussing human empowerment, human incarnation concepts and hidden ancient knowledge, spirituality and our multidimensional origin.

The mission of our podcast is to transform and empower humanity with each and every video, broadcast, channeled message, event, interaction, conversation and debate. The aim is to improve our human collective and connect everyone with their limitless inner powers and multidimensional nature while encouraging growth and action with honor and courage.

Anthony is an ExtraDimentional trance channeler and a proud speaker on the subjects of ET ED contact, professional channeling and the current involvement of other off-planet civilizations with humanity. He is known for his boldness, uniqueness, full transparency & deep diving into some of the most unique interstellar fields and topics, including forwarding authentic interstellar intelligence on ED ET topics.

He proudly holds a recognized position in the professional channeling industry as a outspoken Theta Tauri Reptilian trance channeler and speaker who always provides actionable insights and authentic interstellar intelligence to help people surpass their limits – both personally and socially imposed, and the limiting beliefs and illusions stemming from internet based misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, psyops, religious programming and partial truths.

Anthony offers 1-on-1 coaching & training - contact:

Twitter: @KalaskOfficial
Instagram: Kalask Channeling
Rumble: Kalask Channeling
Facebook: Kalask Channeling

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