January 20, 2023 ❤️ An Angel warns... Don't lose Sight of Jesus

1 year ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Don't lose Sight of Jesus

January 20, 2022 - Dream of Sister Elisabeth

(Elisabeth) Dear Lord, help us not to lose sight of You and to stay firmly on the divine path You have laid out for us... Amen.

(My Dream) John and I just entered into a small living area which was all adobe, pure white with two long picnic tables end to end. I pulled out my Rosary to start praying with our group and noticed the crucifix was missing. I began to look all around the floor for it and asked others to help me. All of a sudden, there was a beautiful child, about six years old, sitting at the end of the table. He said: “There is your crucifix,” pointing to the floor near where Mother Clare was standing. I said: “Thank you,” and was thinking: 'Who the heck are you?' The child continued: “You never want to lose sight of Jesus. He is the Captain of your ship, so you need to keep your eyes upon Him.” I thought: 'This young boy is right in his words' - and I asked him... 'Who are you?' He responded... 'A servant, just like you' - and I realized he was sent by God. I sat down next to him and said... 'I’m listening...'

The angelic looking boy continued... "Strong and rough rapids are just around the corner. All of you need to stay in the boat that the Lord is steering and navigating. If any of you get out of the boat, it will not go as smoothly for you."

I was thinking... 'What exactly does he mean by that' - when he broke into my thoughts... "The Lord is saying that if you all stay with the good plan He has for you and don’t stray from His path, then you will survive what’s coming." I said... 'What is coming?'

"Food shortages, hyperinflation, desensitizing of human emotion, especially love. People will lash out at one another and usually those closest to them, when they are deprived of even the smallest conveniences. There has been released from the enemy a strong, evil spirit of infighting. Complaining and criticizing crushes graces and God’s power cannot manifest in you.

"You all need to watch your words and your thoughts... It’s all the same to Jesus. He hears everything, so please only think good things. He cannot bless you if you go around complaining about the cold weather, or a fellow brother or sister, or no internet or electricity. These are all very minor in the grand scheme of things. Laboring on minor, trivial issues will keep you from growing in grace and holiness. Let go of these thoughts and replace them with our God and with heavenly things.

"Those of you who are used to a lifetime of complaining are cheating yourselves out of blessings, so please speak words of faith and stand in agreement with what the Bible says, even when you don’t see breakthroughs. The children of Israel remained in the wilderness for many years more than they were supposed to, because of complaining.

"To enjoy the blessing of God, you need to learn how to be patient. We need to wait patiently for the promises of God in our lives, just like Abraham, Sarah, Joseph, and David all did. God does not do His things according to our timetable; He does it in His time. Your promise may take longer, but it will come because you serve a faithful God that watches over His words and will fulfill them. Don’t run out of patience, for He who promised is faithful."

I then asked... 'Dear Child and messenger from God, why are you so familiar to me?' Just then he grew into an adult and smiled warmly at me which spread into a wide grin. He was my guardian angel! He was strong and powerful and filled with God’s glory. And right then, I woke up from the dream. After I told Brother John about the dream, he said... 'Yes, that’s good, let’s not major on the minors.' Well said Brother! God bless you, dear Family, and may He keep you on the holy path He has laid out for you!

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