Bad company, good character, and the wages of sin. (1 Corinthians 15:29-34)

2 years ago

"Bad company corrupts good character." Where it cut out at the end there. Between time limit then battery, I'm going to guess what I was supposed to say was said. The company we keep effects where we end up and how we act. The secular world is starting to understand this and worries about things and money and all that other crap the pharaohs of old were foaming at the mouth for. (Not bad things mind you, just not the gods we promote them up to be by any stretch of the imagination. I mean I'd argue, quite happily if I'm blunt, that money is not only unneeded, but that outside of learning the language of faith and total dependency on GOD Almighty, it's kinda superfluous to actually being alive. "Money makes the world go round!" No, gravity, centripetal force, and most of all the will of GOD keep it going round. It's why we're overdue for a few hundred (thousand) natural disasters that HE'S been keeping at bay by HIS mighty arm and strong hand. HE stops holding them back and... With all the stuff going on in this world, we haven't seen a drop of it yet compared to what is promised to come. Seals, trumpets, and bowls, that's a whole lot of Justice being poured out, thank ABBA, for HE is merciful!

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