Bridging Broken To Breakthrough//S3E7//In The Gray Of Jan Choose Heart of Feb part2//Hope Will Arise

1 year ago

It is so hard to not have the expectation that people will be there for you in your hour of need simply because you were there for them in theirs. It is hard to face that fact that some relationships simply are not reciprocal. Relational support is an unrealistic ~ yet realistic expectation. The problem is you typically don't get to see a persons reciprocity until they either bear the weight of relational demands, or snap like a twig. This can cause rejection and offense if you are not careful, which is tough to fight without Jesus. The pain of betrayal drowning you in the gray of January bitterness will eat you alive if you do not allow God to heal you.

This episode first aired on Sat Feb 18, 2023 from information previously published on my website Hope Will Arise.

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