Taking Back America's Children (TBAC), Part 3 - the latest "Proclaiming Justice" podcast

2 years ago


On this week's podcast, we dive deeper into our conversation surrounding PJTN's Taking Back America's Children (TBAC) initiative, and we welcome our guest, Tina Griffin, a former Hollywood actress, pop culture expert and host of https://subsplash.com/freedomproject/lb/ms/+nqpntzd. Tina left her Wisconsin dairy farm and headed to Hollywood at the age of 20 to earn a BA in Film and TV from UCLA. She has traveled globally for the past 21 years delivering her eye-opening show, https://counterculturemom.com/adult-session/, explaining the real agenda behind the entertainment industry and its negative impact on the foundational development of today’s youth. Tina will be a featured speaker at our upcoming TBAC Summit in Franklin, TN, Sunday, January 29.

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