[세비라] “교황이 소련을 80% 해체했다.” (미하일 고르바초프)

2 years ago

[세상의 비밀을 들려주는 라디오]
후원 계좌: KEB 하나은행 298-810284-72907 (신항식)
서적 요청 이메일 : ssbrand@hanmail.net

# Rumble 채널명
Hangsik - https://rumble.com/account/content?ty..

# NATO의 형성과 범죄 사실, 제약회사와 백신에 관한 영상이 Rumble에 추가적으로 보관되어 있습니다.

-Samantha and the Soviets Pt. 1 of 2, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxTtKAqwzig;‘Samantha Smith’, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
- ‘Letter Samantha's Letter to Yuri Andropov’- ‘Yuri Andropov's Response’, Yuri Andropov's 100th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibit. Russia's Federal Archive Agency, http://archives.ru/exhibitions/2014-andropov_press.shtml
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-Yallop D. (1986), Au nom de dieu, France: Christian Bourgois.
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-'The Holy Alliance: Ronald Reagan and John Paul II,' Time, Feb. 24, 1992
-‘Gorbachev and St John Paul II: key players in bringing about peace’, Vatican News, Aug. 31 2022. https://www.vaticannews.va/
- ‘The Pope was Jewish says historian’, Manchester Evening News, Aug. 29 2007; Hendrie E. (2011), Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great, USA: Great Mountain Publishing
-Hendrie E. (2011), Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great, USA: Great Mountain Publishing
-Chiesa Viva (Italy), Nov. 2006, n 388
-Yallop D. (2011), Pope doit mourir, France: Nouveau monde.
- ‘The Pope was Jewish says historian’, Manchester Evening News, Aug. 29 2007.
-Libreria Editrice Vaticana, ‘FAREWELL CEREMONY AT BALICE AIRPORT’, Jun. 10 1979, https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/1979/june/documents/
-‘Gromyko and the death of a promise, Daily Star, Jun 25, 2011
-’5 facts about the USSR’s most iconic Foreign Minister‘ , Russia Beyond, Sep. 28 2020
-Independent, Nov. 16 1990

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