Marine Jazz - Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life OST

2 years ago

Rumble is in need of some UI features.
1. an edit button for ur own videos u r watching
A. edit channel button on your actual channel page
B. accent color for channel

2. Better sorting options when viewing a channel.
A. A way to showcase certain playlists/folders/videos on a home pageof the channel
B. Playlists or even folders the uploader can make and organize videos and series into.
C. Community tab similar to youtube.
D. ways to sort a Users videos by certain years

3. Bigger description box when revising a videos description. this box is tiny.

4. make the accounts more clear.
A. show the sub accounts of the user you're currently looking at. Its also confusing following an account and seeing them upload videos from an account u arent following.

4. Video features
A. annotations like old youtube

5. UI of the Rumble pages (not video pages)
B. Show needed picture sizes for banner and pfp, sizes r only shown when first making channel

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