2 years ago

Romans 12:19 King James Version
19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

I have to say my friends, that I've read these verses of scripture countless times, and every time God always shows me something new and precious from them. I especially was blessed to see what Paul had to say about forgiveness, and through what God has shown me over the years, on how being able to show forgiveness, while setting healthy boundaries. I was especially encouraged by the questions from this morning's devotional, because God has allowed me to experience what forgiveness truly means, while being able to also express the need for healthy boundaries. I'd like to share these questions from this morning's devotional with all of you tonight, and I pray that God will speak to your heart through them. Check out these questions below, and see just what I mean.

How have you experienced healing through forgiving or being forgiven?

How are relationships strengthened through practicing both forgiveness and accountability?

What I would like to do right now my friends, is share some things with all of you through this blog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that it helps you to see what loving forgiveness with accountability and boundaries is all about. Come join me in this flog tonight my friends, and learn what true love that forgives, and holds accountable is all about! 😊

So, as I close this post for tonight, I offer this hope for anyone out there who has been wounded, hurt, and betrayed. First and foremost, to anyone that was sexually violated as a child, and/or violated by a so-called man of God, know that you are not at fault, and that what was done to you was wrong! Don't be afraid to seek real justice, even if it means that others shun you for holding the criminal accountable for their actions. Remember too that forgiveness is not based on any type of ‘forgetfulness’, or the minimalization of another person's pain, but on the willingness to expose the truth of what happened, so that person can truly heal. Above all, I encourage you to look to the One who suffered the same as you, and chose to forgive. Look to the One who while hanging on a rugged nasty cross, endured not only pain and agony, but the scorn and jeers of those who chose to reject Him, and stated these words: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Look to the Savior, who took on your sin, who took on your shame, and did all of this to set you free from sin, and allow Him to heal your wounded heart and soul today!!



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