TotalDrain Technology: IcePlate® vs. Camelbak

2 years ago

Are you tired of your water bladder getting all nasty inside and becoming unusable and possibly unsanitary? Of course you are. So were we. That is why we engineered IcePlate® with a market-first Asymmetric Low Point Drain that we call TotalDrain Technology. TotalDrain Technology quickly evacuates every drop of water from IcePlate®, leaving it bone dry and you fully hydrated.

Leave no drop behind.


About IcePlate®
IcePlate® is a 50oz. water bottle that, when frozen, provides 2-4 hours and 70 watts of cooling under body armor per bottle. It was built to keep operators cool, comfortable and hydrated all day in desert heat with zero added weight by using two known facts: operators generally had to carry water and most were freezing their bottled water before going out on patrol. Unlike traditional water bladders, IcePlate® provides three benefits (cooling, hydration, protection) in a single piece of kit compared to just one benefit from the bladder (hydration) while being 20% lighter and 50% thinner than water bladder systems (bladder + carrier pack).

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