The TRUTH about Satan

2 years ago

the truth about satan from a familiar voice behind the scenes. From a fellow Christian, a non-anonymous charity.

This video was made possible by Chick Track Publications:
The main reason that Satan hates this Gospel of Jesus Christ is simply because he knows that eternal life is found only in the person of Jesus Christ. If a person is spiritually DEAD in their sins, Satan will do all that he can do to prevent that person from hearing, and understanding the Word of God, and that is the absolute truth. Are you a Christian? Do you truly LOVE your own children, and your own relatives? Then make sure that you preach the Gospel to them, the same way that you would preach it to everybody else! Why? Because if they are not truly born again of the Spirit (John 3:1-8), and redeemed by the BLOOD of Jesus Christ, then they are as lost as the most vile and wicked sinners in this old world of ours! Do you think for one minute that the powers of darkness (demons) are sitting idly by, while you meet with your UNSAVED friends and relatives? The Devil knows that they need salvation! The Devil knows that many, Christians are ashamed and embarrassed of being rejected by their friends and family and he will use that to intimidate you. If you are truly a Christian then I know that the Spirit of God is prompting you to share the Gospel with them, but that prompting can be easily ignored. Not only that but Satan is the master of deception and distractions, and he will find plenty of other things for you to talk about, other than Jesus Christ. All the tears in the world cannot bring back a person after they are dead and buried, if they die without Jesus Christ, so the most LOVING thing that you can do for them is to warn them about their lost condition. Satan absolutely HATES the soul saving Gospel of Jesus Christ, because it sets men and women free from his Satanic headlock. Satan is the “god of this world” and he is keeping your heart and mind blinded to the truth about Jesus Christ.

There was a battle raging for the souls of men and women, and Satan was doing all that he could to completely STOP the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Satan hates the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
I encourage you to call upon the name of the Lord for salvation if you do not know him. This word that was given here today was for you too. Either you know the Lord or you don’t. If you do not know the Lord then you are still DEAD in your sins without Jesus Christ. Satan absolutely hates the BLOOD of Jesus Christ, because that is the ONLY thing that will REDEEM your soul from destruction. Do you know that your soul is as valuable to the creator of all things, as any soul in this world? Yes that is true, and the LOVE that God has for you is beyond our own comprehension! Here is a passage of scripture that Satan absolutely hates. Why? Because it is true and can set you FREE!
Non-Anonymous Charity (channels)
Episode List
Episode 1 Gangsta Satan - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 2 Rules for the Remnant - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 3 God's Plan of Salvation - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 4 Martyrs for Christ in the End Days - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 5 I can't swim - Andor S01 E10 - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 6 satan is real, the Bible is right, Jesus is God - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 7 Jezebel, The new Union - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 8 The 2 Wake-ups [The Great Apostacy] - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
HS inspired worship videos and Scripture/Messages
The Revelation of Jesus Christ **fully animated** (James Earl Jones narration KJV)
Isaiah 53
Take this Promise to the end of You -Forest 2001 SOAD (Matthew 28:18-20)
Revenga SOAD 2005 - Samson destroys House of Dagon (Rom 12:19)
Halfway There - Soundgarden 2012 (Psalm 34:4-8)
Man of Sin (dead) - ALIVE in Christ [Black Saturday-Soundgarden] (Col 3:10, Rom 6:1-6)
By Crooked Steps - Soundgarden 2013 (Micha 4:2, Lk 3:5)
Church withstanding the FLOOD [Jars of Clay] (Rev 12:15)
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun 1994 (Day of the Lord Is 13)
The Promise - Chris Cornell 2017 (the lost reunited)
beating the devil, we never run from the devil, we never hide from the devil (I Jn 3:8)
Audioslave - Show Me How to Live (Official Video) 2009
DMX - Lord Give Me A Sign (Official Video) 2006
In Your House I long to be (Psm 139)
It's a big big house with room for everyone - Jn 14:2
I Am the Highway · Audioslave 2002 (Is 35)
Victims of a Down - End of Days poem
Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise (I Jn 2:15-17, Eph 6:12)
God's people victorious over Babylon - kid songs (Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah)
Do Not Fear Death Christians Because We Win This War - Jesus Christ - God
What Must I Do To Have Eternal Life - God is Waiting - Supernatural Help

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