Woodturning - Applewood Speaker

3 years ago

I've not done a speaker for a while, so here's the first one this year, I have another idea for a speaker I'm working on that will be out in a couple of months.

The wood is apple with plenty of burl, its been previously dried ready for turning and epoxy use. Slight calculation error on the amount of epoxy the cast would take, once it came out of the pressure pot the level had dropped to about 1/2 lower than the top of the wood, nothing I could do, as in reduce the size as the internal volumes had already been calculated for the speakers. The only thing I could do was to cut a groove out either side and cast some more resin in to make a feature either end.

Just need to order up a new power supply for the speaker and it will be on my website for sale, the only 12V one I had around for testing is about an amp short for full volume, but OK for testing.

My website - mjturning.com

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