Be With Me

2 years ago

While writing another song, I had a little piano riff that I wrote for it. Well, when I tried to stitch it back into that song, I realized it didn't quite work. Anyway, I tucked it away because it still sounded really cool. That riff has become this song right here. It's need because it gets played over different chords and still works with minor tweaks. This song is really quite groovy.

Funny story, in this song, I wrote another piano piece that "didn't quite fit". However, I just said screw it. I made it fit. lol. I guess it's a little, "out of key interlude/bridge" thing. Whatever.

Karaoke Version:

Your fingers run down my spine
Like a jagged splinter in my mind
The air around us is hard to find
Our hands our bound, our bodies entwined

Hold my hand. Kiss my lips.
Understand. This is for keeps.

Be with me.
Just be with me.

Your soft touch on my skin
Your embrace where I have been
is a place I dare to see again.
Feverish intoxication sets in.

Pull my hair. Breath me in.
Feel your breath on my chin.

Be with me.

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