Dressed Irons Guild Announcement

2 years ago

Subscribe for more fly tying videos like this one: https://bit.ly/3sfHYOR

To check out the Dressed Irons Guild on Locals go to - diflytying.locals.com

A few things I have figured out about Locals since making this video are,
1) when you create an account on Locals and "join" a community you are considered a "member" of that community. This is basically the free level of content in that community. In order to access the full community you must "Become a Supporter".

2) When you become a supporter you can pay monthly or annually. However, the system is limited to monthly support until the community reaches 50 supporters. Since I currently do not have 50 supporters you can only support through monthly contributions. I will be reaching out to all who sign up and support the Guild in regards to who would rather support annually (which would be cheaper) so that some sort of correction/compensation can be made when the annual option is available.

3) I have decided to post on the Guild whenever I upload a video to YouTube. This means that if you are a member or a supporter of the Guild you can see all of the content there. I figure it might be easier in regards to having less places to go to view content. The plan is to give supporters early access to the videos and then the members can see the videos when they go live on YouTube.

I am still working with the system trying to figure it all out. If anyone sees any "glitches" or anything that does not seem right please let me know. Plus, feedback is always welcome. You can always go to the Contact for on DressedIrons.com or send an email to "info(at)dressedirons[dot]com".

Thank you for your support. - Enjoy

You can also sign up for a weekly newsletter at www.dressedirons.com

If you would like to help out Dressed Irons you can purchase materials for this fly in this video though the following affiliate links.

Head Cement - Fly-Tite - https://www.feather-craft.com/fly-tite-fly-tying-cement (non-affiliate)
Wapsi Black Lacquer - https://www.feather-craft.com/lacquer-paint (non-affiliate)

Trout, Ray Bergman - https://amzn.to/3l6b4wl
The History of Fly Fishing in Fifty Flies, Ian Whitelaw - https://amzn.to/3unw7gT
Favorite Flies and Their History - Mary Orvis Marbury - https://amzn.to/3JTunC7
Forgotten Flies - Paul Schmookler & Ingrid V. Sils - https://amzn.to/3P1sUOe

If you would like to make a donation to Dressed Irons to help with the cost of making quality tying videos, follow this link - https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3BHG9KPBYY4B4

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