RIDGID 18-Volt LED Mat Light Review | R8694520B | Must-Have For Car Guys

5 years ago

Must-Have LED Light - Purchasing the right LED light that is best for your working situation can be a tough task.  Searching on the internet can take you in many directions that can sometimes be frustrating.  Looking at boxes in the store don't help much either!  The  RIDGID 18-Volt LED Mat Light is not going to jump out at you in the store in its small box, but it will give you an idea of how small it rolls up.  This light did not jump out at and scream buy me at first.  It was not until the box was opened that the full effect of YES I NEED THIS hit.  It did not take long for us to figure out that a simple mat of light could solve so many of our lighting issues.  Gone are the issues of trying to fit a light in a small area and try to work around it.  This light will sit on the floor and let you work over it.  For a mechanic, or guys like us who love to wrench, the area between the light will also help to hold screws, nuts, and bolts that were removed while the light is in use.  There is also a magnetic area on the end that is meant to hold the mat in a 360-degree format to get light in a circle that also works well for holding small nuts and bolts.

The LED lights are adjustable with a max of 1,500 lumens.  The lenses are not clear helping to stop the bright LED's from blinding the user if you look at the mat.  The design is awesome for small areas as there is a lot of light, but all of it is usable with the user in the same area without blinding.  We do not find that on too many LED lights these days.

Ridgid is stepping up with some serious tools these days making this line of tools a great line to invest in.  The Lifetime Service Agreement makes owning these tools worry free, you just need to follow all the steps to register your tool.

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