We are supplying weapons to who? 492

2 years ago

We are supplying weapons to who?

You got it backwards...

From what I've researched Ukraine is a money laundering front to supply NATO's Military Industrial Complex/World Economic Forum et al, so they can [soon] tyrannically police the world. Kindah like they're doing now, but on steroids.


How much has the United States given to Pfizer or everything (Lockheed Martin Dow Chemical Enron etc) & everyone (Bill Gates The Waltons/Walmart etc) that is killing us with tax loopholes, subsidies & over-paying contracts (a toilet seat costs 1,200 bucks)?

Now, our congressional brilliant liars & thieves (for the elite or corporate elite) are going to raise the debt ceiling for the 79th time since there's been no collections company or repo-man lurking over DC/The Capital since 1960. The 50's were a wonderful time… anywayz, most of the planet is bloating with deranged tyrannical sociopathic narcissistic pedophile lunatics that are being fueled by our [supposed] "Leaders (most are also lunatics)!"

When your government says we're supplying "resources" to whatever country… it means we're shitting on the 99% foreign or domestically, somewhere or somehow & making ourselves fucking happier/richer!!!

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