1 year ago

Did DK Oldies really destroy a valuable Nintendo GBA SP handheld because they thought it was fake? It sure appears that way!

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Thanks to friend of the Channel Voultar for giving me the heads-up on this. Make sure you subscribe to his channels at and

It looks like these particular samples were destroyed by Drew Steimel on Aug. 14th, 2015, at least that's per their own blog titled "How to Spot Fake Game Boy Advance SP Systems and Why They Suck", which you can read here:

Yes, this is a 7+-year-old video and blogpost, but man, they are showing that they've had issues for a long, long time. They claim the Fake said "Game Boy Pudding SP" on it, but looking at the serial number on the blog example and what was held up to the camera, those are NOT the same units. This is something that clearly 0 research went into and they just made an assumption. An incorrect assumption, but an assumption nonetheless.

So what is iQue and what do they have to do with Nintendo? China has a large black market for video games and usually only a few games officially make it to the Chinese market. Many Chinese gamers tend to purchase pirated cartridges or disc copies or download copied game files to play via an emulator. Nintendo wanted to curb software piracy in China, and bypass the ban that the Chinese government has implemented on home game consoles since 2000. So in a joint venture, iQue was formed with Nintendo and Chinese-American scientist and entrepreneur Wei Yen. It became a 100% Nintendo-owned subsidiary after Wei Yen left the company.

I've never ordered from DK Oldies myself, but I've seen enough that I will probably never do so in the future. It is extremely likely that Drew Steimel is not even with the company any longer. However, a few people pointed out what they had done and the video is still live. Their knowledge is what is brought into question here, and rightfully so. DK Oldies should take this video down, and their blog post, and issue a statement acknowledging their mistake and address how they will improve in the future.

Or not. Regardless, I'm not ordering from them.

#dkoldies #YouScrewedUp #nintendo #shortsmaschallenge #Shorts30 #SHortsmas #ique #GBASP #RareVideoGames

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