Interview 399 with Denovan Truman

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My family name is Truman, most know me and call me by my first name Denovan or Den. But my closest family and those who know me from my old life call me Jim.
I live two very different lives. In one life I run a well respected business within the cleaning sector, I have a social security number, I pay my taxes and I help my land lady take out the garbage. In my other life I have been hacking the matrix uncovering the truth, guilty of breaking every community standard they have a law for, knowing that one of these lives has a future and the other one does not.
I was already divinely awakened to the evil in power over the planet well in advance of the plande mic.
I observed a steady surge in synchronicities occur in 2012 and the universal creator of everything made me aware that we are eternal beings and that we have designated roles to play which go well beyond having a career, family and taking care of just one’s own interests.
Because of profound experiences I have had in my life and being awakened to the power of God consciousness that I have I’ve no doubt that we have already won and that the vast majority of the good souls on the planet will
Indeed be saved.
I know money is their weapon of power of people so that’s what we need to disarm them of. I had plans and strategies to work on that in 2021 and was recognising consciousness gaps even within the awakened community which only took me closer to creating something I very shortly discovered thereafter had already been Divinely created as I and I Divinely came across in April 2022.
I instantly recognised from premonitions I’d had and indeed discussed with my family years before and knew that this was indeed the ultimate mission not just for me but for all man and woman in kind to save ALL of humanity.
I’ve been very heavily involved ever since including international team creation in Uganda bringing both truth to our brothers and sisters there but also the solution to bring harmony and balance. For what purpose does truth serve if you are not honest enough to accept that the solution to harmony and balance must be ALL inclusive for everyone worldwide. One Love. One People. One Consciousness.

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