How to Profitably Outsource your eCommerce Business | Complete Blueprint

2 years ago

How to Build a 6 Figure Dropshipping Business with Virtual Assistants

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In todays video we’re going to cover my experience building a 6 figure dropshipping business….and how I was able to scale the business using only overseas Virtual Assistants.

We’ll specifically cover…
• Why it’s important….even vital to outsource
• How to know when you’re acutally ready to outsource
• How to go about finding good people to bring on….and where to look for them.
• How to pay your virtual assistants
• How to communicate with your VAs
• How to train your VAs
• And how to make sure your Virtual Assistants are actually doing the work you’re paying them for

If you’re already doing well with dropshipping, outsourcing is super crucial b/c it lets you buy back your time so you can work ON your business and not IN it.

And if you’re just starting, having this blueprint will really help you when you’re ready to take that next step and bring someone on to take over certain parts of it.

The truth is…you can hit 6 figures dropshipping on your own.

But if you want to accelerate this process, I highly recommend outsourcing certain aspects of this business….and build a team.

I currently have 3 full time VAs that help manage my dropshipping business for me.

Why is it important to outsource?

Bringing someone on to help is a no brainer if you’re business is ready for it.

Most entrepreneurs pride themselves on being hard working…and also tend to be control freaks so they typically struggle with letting go and giving other people permission to take over….I certainly did….literally for years.

But I realized it doesn’t matter if I’m working 14 hour days as hard as I possibly can 24/7…I’ll never be able to consistently outproduce multiple people doing the same thing.

And there’s no way I can compete with bigger companies and other people already ahead of me doing so.

Outsourcing also allows you to continue learning and innovating to stay ahead of your competition…which is super crucial in any business….but especially dropshipping.

It’ll also give you added to time to audit your own business and strengthen weaknesses you might not have otherwise noticed.

Most importantly, it’ll un-handcuff you so you can focus on other ways to scale…. And it’ll allow you to seek out new frontiers and new opportunities you wouldn’t have otherwise seen….simply b/c you’ll have more time to allocate to these areas.

So, How do you know when you’re actually ready to bring someone on?

There’s 2 boxes I would recommend checking off to ensure you’re ready to hire your first VA

1) You have to be at a point where you can offer someone full time work consistently
a. if you can’t offer them full time work….or consistent work at the very least….you won’t be a priority to them (or they’ll constantly be looking for other opportunities to fill that void)
i. so if you’re not ready to bring someone on full time….I would recommend holding off for a little bit
2) You have to have at least have some idea on how you can better use your time. There’s no point in buying back your time if you’re going to sit around and watch Netflix all day IMO.
a. For example, let’s say you’re spending 4 hours a day listing, renewing, and relisting…..3 hours a day processing orders….& 1 hour a day doing customer service…..And you realize that if you could just outsource the listing, you’d have 4 more hours every day that you could spend on…
i. learning new platforms to dropship on
ii. or doing more product research to find better products
iii. or watching more vidoes to get some of other people’s best tips and tricks
b. In this case, it’s pretty smart to outsource (assuming it’s still profitable of course) b/c you have an idea of other things you can spend time on that can bring in more profit….you just don’t really have any extra time to do them.

How to go about finding good people to bring on….and where to look for them.

There are 4 main sites I like to talk about when looking to hire a Virtual assistant (fiverr, upwork, online, and facebook)

Upwork is a great place to find people to bring on, but it can be more expensive to hire people from here. It does tend to be more geared toward professionals…and the likelihood you’ll find someone that fits well into your dropshipping business from here isn’t that high.

So, keep it mind for other things, but for this business….probably not the right place.

The rest go cut off...

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