Paul on the Apocalypse. (1 Corinthians 15:24-28)

2 years ago

23,29 as book enders to see where the cut in and cut out is to get into it more. We won't even have to get to vvs 54 either, just 32 will do it when we get to tomorrow. If someone sees something else here, let's talk about it, really! We can get into the differences and why. Cause I love the gifts of the SPIRIT. They are something we should want for. My heart breaks when the "gift of prophecy" becomes occultism and not actually a prophetic gift. Here Paul lays it all out. Order of events, I mean GOD is a God of order.. so why do we have such chaos in our ranks? Why won't we meet with our brothers and sister to talk it out; you know, leave the offering at the alter and go resolve the issue with them, then come back and give your offering. Or one of my favorites in the Bible, "I've told you, human, what is good. To live justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with GOD." Or another "I desire mercy, not sacrifice." Hosea 6:6 and Micah 6:8 respectfully. From what I have seen, even in my own past, those verses were basically unknown, the idea behind them almost treated as blasphemy in more churches than I'd care to or even want to admit.

If we are one nation under GOD, we're not a very good one and we've done much to run HIS name through the mud as a nation. My prayer as that as a Body we stand up and be the light we are meant to be, one people, no longer worried about the flavor of their Babylon.

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