Tom Watson’s Magazine: March 1915 The Leo Frank Case Read by John de Nugent

2 years ago

Thomas Watson, in his Watson's Magazine, does a detailed review of the mass media propaganda via the newspapers on behalf of Leo Frank. Liberal Jewish-owned magazine of Puck which constantly slandered the State of Georgia where they claim to have roots in, her people, and her courts. Puck's two Jewish owners are Nathan Strauss, Jr. who is the President and H. Grant Strauss who is the Secretary and Treasurer. Puck, being a satirical magazine decides to publish outright lies that went against tribal Jewish interests. An example would be by denying the fact that alcohol was killing more men in the United States than the contemporary first world war that was occurring that time in Europe. In the Leo Frank Case and Trial, they falsely accused and slandered the State of Georgia of not sticking to its main principle of "Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation". They constantly produced cartoons showing Leo Frank as an innocent victim of a Georgia State-organized injustice and mob violence. Jewish finance was pumping lots of money into making the public think that Leo Frank was being framed without a proper legal trial. This is despite the fact that countless white women testified against him. The only gentiles that testified on behalf of Leo Frank claiming that he was a victim of injustice were corrupt gentile lawyers like C.P. Connolly and detectives like William J. Burns who had both been bribed by Jewish financiers. All Jewish lawyers unequivocally supported Leo Frank by laying the blame on other non-existent culprits and fabricated suspects. All the other non-corruptible gentiles were against Leo Frank. Despite all the legal wrangling and hype in the mass media on behalf of Leo Frank, neither the judge nor the jury could be bought and they all convicted Leo Frank based on sound evidence. That is why Judge Leonard Roan wouldn't grant the motion for a new trial since the evidence was overwhelming
against Leo Frank's favour. Leo Frank wasn't just convicted based on the evidence provided by Jim Conley the Negro factory sweeper.

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