Galatians 01/02 Introduction, Background, Where did Paul get His Gospel? 1:1-24

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SBC Family,

Tonight we're diverging from Acts as we turn to Galatians. The reason we're doing this is because Paul has just completed his first missionary journey in Acts 13-14, and after this journey he wrote one letter; Galatians. So, I'm going to teach it where it historically fell in the sequence of the Book of Acts. I hope this is helpful. We may just do the introduction and background (see attached), or we may go on into Galatians 1 (see attached), but the main thing is that we get a good handle on why Paul wrote Galatians, the situation that developed in his absence, and the impact it had on the believers there who had already departed from the gospel within just a few months of believing it!

Our key word(s) will be: Gospel of Freedom!

"It is for freedom that Christ set us free, therefore, stand firm!"

Also see a third attachment!

Grace to you,


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